Getting involved in club lacrosse is great if you want to play lacrosse year round and improve your skills. While it’s not necessary, it allows you to get coaching from coaches all around San Diego that have played the game at many different levels. If you’re looking to play NCAA lacrosse in college playing club is an essential step to reach that end goal. There are different levels of club and most club teams participate in tournaments where you can be exposed to a higher level of the game and have fun while doing it. Each club operates at a different level, here are some links for you to research on your own:

Coast Lacrosse

Mad Dog Lacrosse

SoCal Devils

*We have no affiliation with these clubs. We are providing these links for informational purposes only. Any questions should be directed to the clubs themselves.


Check out our workout builder! Need help or new suggestions? Reach out to us via email or Instagram!

Holding yourself accountable isn’t always easy, try having an accountabil-a-buddy. While social distancing, you can FaceTime or Zoom with friends/teammates while completing these workouts! If you’re going on runs alone or in your neighborhood please stay aware of your surroundings and let a parent or guardian know what route you’re going to take ( or just take a parent with you ;) ).

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Let’s talk wall ball! Wall ball is a great way to make/keep your stick skills sharp, especially when you don’t have anyone to pass with. When you are doing wall ball it is important to aim your pass just above eye level so that it is simulating a real pass you’d receive from another player. When we are passing we want to remember to keep our elbow up and snap our wrist as we are going through the motions so that we can make a sharp pass. Be careful, sometimes we underestimate our strength, the ball can come back at you fast so take the time to adjust the power you’re putting into your pass to avoid getting hit in the face. Get creative, try new things and don’t be afraid to put more time into your “weak” hand. It won’t be “weak” for long once you get into a routine!

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YouTube Links

Here are a couple YouTube channels that provide a lot of great lacrosse related content:

Taylor Cummings

US Lacrosse


STX Women’s Lacrosse